Candida Yeast Infection Symptoms

By Brian McQuirk

The general candida yeast infection symptoms are familiar to many people. As with many other health conditions, candida yeast infection symptoms are a clue to imbalances in your body that trigger many off-shoot conditions that form a vicious cycle where weight gain is usually one of the unfortunate results.

In particular, the candida yeast infection symptoms that affect weight gain the most are food cravings and digestive problems. If you’re young, not sexually active, and you’ve never experienced candida yeast infection symptoms, you may not realize that you have, in fact, contracted this common and pesky condition. Doctors can administer tests for Candida, but most practitioners administer a questionnaire in order to determine if a person has the common candida yeast infection symptoms.

So what are the most common candida yeast infection symptoms. The candida yeast infection symptoms include itching and burning of the outer vaginal area, redness and inflammation of the labia, and a heavy, odorous vaginal discharge. The most common candida yeast infection symptoms are: fatigue, food intolerances, poor memory, feeling “spaced out”, mental fogginess lack of mental alertness, confusion digestion problems (constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, bloating), food cravings (especially for sweets, refined carbohydrates or alcohol), erratic vision or spots before the eyes, lack of sexual desire, allergies (rashes and hives), headaches, mood swings, dry mouth or throat, heartburn, nasal congestion, bad breath, thrush (oral or vaginal), vaginal discharge / irritation or pain, persistent cystitis, vaginitis or prostatitis to name but a few. Some of the vaginal candida yeast infection symptoms include: Abnormal vaginal discharge which can range from a slightly watery, white discharge to a thick, white, chunky discharge (like cottage cheese); Vaginal and labial itching and burning; Redness of the vulvar skin; Pain with intercourse; and sometimes discomfort on urination.


There are different ways to attack candida yeast infection symptoms, but my recommendation is to try the natural method of diet and supplementation. No matter which method you try, do it under the care and supervision of a qualified practitioner, particularly since the practitioner can adjust supplement doses to counteract die-off candida yeast infection symptoms which often occur during the program as Candida is destroyed. You may be able to ignore the candida yeast infection symptoms and hope it goes away on its own, but you will never ignore a urinary tract infection caused by the yeast infection. Fortunately, while you’re being treated for the urinary tract infection your physician will also treat the underlying candida yeast infection symptoms that caused this mess to begin with. Finally, to correctly identify candida yeast infection symptoms, your gynecologist will need a urine and blood sample to rule out more serious, even life-threatening conditions like cancer, chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomonas, genital herpes, genital warts, and syphilis.


We do not represent any yeast infection medication, neither do we advocate any specific yeast infection treatment process. A yeast infection is an irritation of mucous membranes of the body, such as the vagina, intestines, skin or mouth. If it happens at the mouth area, it will be called oral yeast infection. If it happens on the skin, it will be called skin yeast infection. Regardless of where it happens, the primary cause of yeast infection is still the same. It can also be found in a man (male yeast infection), even an infant (baby yeast infection). If you have recurring Candida yeast infections and are familiar with the very earliest signs, including itching that is not directly located in the genital region, don’t wait for the symptoms to get worse. If you have only been using over-the-counter medications and find the Candida yeast infections seem to come back relatively often, ask your physician about an oral medication. If you have several Candida yeast infections over the course of many months, you may qualify for a maintenance dose of the oral prescription. Candida Albicans or Candida for short is the name given to yeast that lives in the bodies of each and every one of us. These yeasts are generally found in the intestinal tract and the vaginal regions. Under normal conditions, our body is easily able to cope with the presence of these yeasts and our natural defense system and beneficial bacteria control the spread of yeasts.


The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional.

Important Disclaimer:

The information on this page is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent any disease or give medical advice. Always consult your doctor.

About the Author: Brian McQuirk For a FAST, all natural cure for yeast infection in as little as 12 hours go to our site at

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